5 Reasons You Shouldn’t Inherit College Education from your Parents


Have you heard parent saying that I studied form Delhi university so is my daughter going to study from their or that I was able to find a decent job after my graduation from IIT so let me son also pursue the same from there. Yes, every time a discussion on “Kya Socha” about kid comes and this conversation comes up. I feel such decision by parents are like asking people their kids to use Siemens phone (that big one with antenna) in the time of smart phones.

Today opportunity scenarios are changing, requirement of corporates are changing and that of the society as well. In this time is important that we should not limit our children imagination and aspirations with our limited 80’s-90’s experience in the world of 2016.

It is time when you should #thinkBIG and guide your children too. Here is why we want that look at opportunities like thatare provided in universities like LPU which they have showcased through this unique video as well.


Also one learning from the video is that your present decision will impact your future so when you anyways have to think then why not  thinkBIG……



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